Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Evening Post

Crazy week
from beginning to the end.
Some rest and relaxation is in order.
The week in pics.

I love dogs (especially driving ones).
Mom's faithful companion of 12 years passed away this week.
Sleep peacefully, Miss Maddie.

I saw this coat in Target and it made me think of my Grandmom.  Pretty sure she owned the original.

I guess art is about taste.  I was ready to buy this and my wife just scowled.

Tough to see, but in the middle of my parent's roof there is a squirrel sunning itself during the coldest day yet.

I switched from coffee to tea this week and then tried to switch back, only to find I no longer like coffee.
On the plus side, tea hooks me up with words of wisdom
(just no buzz).

I know you want to leave me.
But I refuse to let you go.
If I have to beg, plead
for your sympathy-
I don't mind,
because you mean that much to me.

Sunrise over Phoenix, AZ.

Accidental citrus peel heart.
(Orange you glad I didn't use a lame-ass pun)?

I ain't a doctor, but I think it might be broke.

I would love to work security, just so I could check the dog's ID.
Kudos to vounteers, because they do what they out of the kindness of their hearts.

I had a biopsy done under my arm and got right loopy on anesthesia.  I don't remember much about it, but my wife won't let me live it down.

Getting ready for Hannukah with pirate-like gelt.

Kale was the vegetable of the week.  I think I ate it a record of six times.

I needed all of the extra Vitamin K and iron to help family move from one side of Baltimore to the other.

Our foreman (seen here in the orange coat) was a slave driver.  NO lunch break and we had to drink water from a wooden spoon and bucket.

I was paid richly in food, drink, and company.

F and family drove over 800 miles to return for a First State visit!
It was great to see the gang again.

The ladies were even able to get a yoga class in followed by coffee.

My wife found this grocery list at the bottom of a basket.
I'm glad this wasn't mine, because instructions like this would drive me to stare at cucumbers for hours.

See You next week.
It's a big one!


  1. Busy week! Kale, one of my favorite veggies that for some reason I never eat. Must not be on the menu. I hope the biopsy is benign. Always an interesting week in Liberty and Independence Land.


    1. Biopsy results were negative - just found out this week. Its probably some rare jungle disease or maybe I caught disco fever.

  2. next thing you know you'll be a tea snob ordering from places like and getting suckered into buying $50 worth of tea in the annapolis mall at teavana. Not like I know from experience or anything. I'd go for a nice first flush darjeeling or a robust breakfast with tea and sugar or a lovely moroccan mint or...yeah you get the idea of my obsession.

    1. Sonya - I, too, have fallen for the high dollar teas in years past. Now it is boxes of green Tetley Decaf with a splash of ginger, but it tastes more expensive if you drink it with your pinkie turned up.

