Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Evening Post

This was the last week of summer vacation before school starts and we took it slow to make it last.

Kayaking at Killens Pond.
I just realized that kayak is a palindrome.
My favorite palindrome is:
"Ah! Satan sees Natasha!"

We found this photo of a huge snapping turtle online, but we actually saw one this size while we were out there.  We were just so freaked out that we didn't take a photo.

Our new cousin is only two months old, but she can already pull off some awesome impersonations.
She does:

Harpo Marx.
Good one!
Now do Popeye.

Nice work.
Work on your Al Pacino, and we'll check in with you next week.

It be Pirates, and they're not from Pittsburgh or Somalia.
Looks like the Captain must have been performing a teeth inspection.
Nice choppers, men.

A very cool pic sent from Ghana.
(That has to be a super confusing custom for veterans of the Vietnam War).

Milkshakes and local music at the Young Bean coffee house in Clayton, DE.

Pretty sneaky, sis.

Bulldog water polo.
They lost to a bunch of poodles-
French Poodles.

This is either something super cool to display at your home, or something you hide in the bottom of your closet. 
I haven't decided yet.

Fresh, local chicken eggs.
Thanks, D!

This is the empty plate after a piece of awesome cake to celebrate one year of sobriety for someone who has made a tremendous impact in my life.
Thank you for a great 365 days.

A shot of my new favorite show:
BoJack Horseman.

Awesome ending pic for a great seven days.

See you next week.


  1. Here is another palindrome for you:

    Apollo, PA (a pleasant little town in western Pennsylvania, Armstrong County, I believe)

    Congrats to your someone on 365 days of sobriety. That's awesome.

    I'm not anonymous because I want to be anonymous. I'm not real computer savvy, and I'm a little lazy. Perhaps one day, I will sign up for one of the other choices.

    1. Thanks, Anonymous. Anonymous Palindrome would be a great name for a band.

  2. BoJack Horseman, also my friend Pat's (who I just spent the last two weeks with at his home in Toronto) new favorite show. He forced me to watch it before we went to bed each night. It has grown on my. I think it's a satire on show business. A raunchy satire at that. :)

    Have a great week!


