Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Evening Post

We are all itching for Spring, but still doing our best to enjoy what is being given.
The week in pics.

Dog Lovers-
Willing to allow their best friend to lead the way on a drive while they are left just glancing at their hind quarters.

Finally, my dream came true.  I walked into a comic shop and found the Delaware State Flag on the cover of a number one!
Liberty and Independence!!!

I finally found a drink that I like...
and my wife likes it, too!
(That could be dangerous).

A wonderful revelation this week was the shorty-
the non-pubicized size of coffee at Starbucks.  
'Cause 8 ounces as all you need.

Goat milk is available for purchase in Chestertown!
(Looking back, this was a week of great libations).

This year we'll be vegetable growing in terra-cotta pots.  I'll be sprouting radishes in this bad boy soon.

So the Firefly Concert is coming to my hometown in June.
I didn't care.
Then, they announced Public Enemy--the greatest rap band of all time and the single biggest reason I made it through high school alive--will be playing.
So it suddenly became crucial that I get tickets.
On the day sales went up, the entire system crashed.
Fortunately, I have a wife that cares about me and braved the inter-web and its vicious ways finally hook a brother up.

New chair and table...

...but alas, I will never be able to sport it like this girl can sport a chair.

Top three vodka flavors that should never exist:
Double chocolate, glazed donuts, and buttered popcorn.

It has been cold around here, but not Chicago cold like this.

The stages of a wonderful Sunday, homemade dessert cake.

I saw this picture in a bathroom and felt it summed up my opinion and all current media outlets.

See you next week.
Take it away, Chuck.

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